本 產品是為想要消耗卡路里及窈窕身形的女性,所開發的美體絲襪能將下垂鬆弛的肉肉提回到正常的位置呢!~ Kevin老師在節目中說過,我們的皮膚、脂肪都是有記憶的,所以我們一定要時時提醒我們的肉肉回到原位,這樣才能使熱量不易屯積,同時給脂肪做如同馬殺 雞按摩般,讓其分子變小,輕盈窈窕馬上就感受到嚕! 此纖臂束套將多種天然植物勻體精華直接織入線紗,採用獨特波浪凹凸織法,利用走路時身體律動,針對穿著部位施以階段性按摩,來達到熱量解碼效果,輕輕鬆鬆 甩掉擾人的蝴蝶袖,手臂瞬間小一個SIZE喲!
~ Wear them under your clothes to make your arms and/or thighs look one size smaller instantly.
~This is important especially for tighter fitting clothes or the extra flab will be out of control with more bodily movements.
~Recommended usage frequency: 4~8 hours daily (not bedtime)
~Not suitable for: pregnant ladies, kids younger than 12 years of age, people with sensitive skin, heart patients.
Care instructions:
1. Hand wash in cold water & hang up to dry. Do not tumble dry or use bleach.
2. Over pulling and sharp nails might spoil the structure of product rendering it useless for slimming purposes.
*Beauty products have different effects on different individuals depending on personal (skin type etc) & usage differences.
Promotion Price : RM 28.00